Monday, September 9, 2019

Life Lately

We have bid farewell to summer and all of the sweet, laid-back fun it had to offer and are transitioning to FALL around here. We are already missing our days by the 'froggy pool', but there is also something nice about the familiar routine that Fall brings, too.

One Last Phillies Game

Daddy and Charlie took advantage of a weekend day game + gorgeous weather and went and saw the Phillies play again recently before the baseball season starts to wind down. These two love their sports and always have a blast on their boys' outings. 

A hot afternoon game = Gatorade as a treat! (Complete with adorable Gatorade mustache)

Charlie always loves an opportunity to see the Philly Phanatic

Surfer Dad

Speaking of our sports-loving guys, Tim took advantage of the Hurricane Dorian waves and went surfing at the Jersey shore for a couple of hours on Saturday. He caught some waves then came home to two kiddos who were dying to hear alllllll about it.

The pic he snapped before hopping into the ocean- if you look closely you'll see a surfer in that wave!

Charlie Started School

Charlie started Pre-School!!! He loves it but it has definitely been a huge adjustment for all. He is super exhausted at the end of the school days (three days per week - a perfect fit for now) but he is happy to finally be with the Big Kids at 'cool. 

 PreK3 - Here he comes!!!

 Sis wanted "in" on the before-school picture taking

Too cute in his uniform

A Case of the Sickies

Maddie had a bad case of croup a couple of weeks back that really lingered. The little lady was a trooper but it was a doozy. She went to the doctor and did a round of Rx meds but it was a slow recovery. Luckily she is better now and the whole house is healthy (knock on wood!!!)

Extra extra snuggles for this sweet girl - it's the worst when they don't feel well

Maddie and Her Dresses

Maddie is going through a phase where she is refusing to wear pants. She only wants to wear dresses! I should probably not be surprised she's so adamant about her fashion choices, but sis is NOT messing around. She will cry her eyes out if I try putting pants on her. We need to work on at least getting some leggings on under these dresses because the weather will turn cold soon. 

 A classic gingham look - a Peter Pan collar will always make my heart skip a beat

Walking her babies in a more casual, flowy dress

Her fav duck dress - this one will definitely go in her "forever" box

Playground Fun

The weather has been really nice lately- still warm but definitely mild- so we have been frequenting the local playgrounds a lot. The kids have two playgrounds in particular that they love so we have been going often. Lots of fun to be had and the fresh air is SO nice, too!

 Well this is fun!!!

 Togetherrrrrrr!!! BFF fun


 Feelin' the breeze

Big Kid did it all by himself

 Climber loves this one

 Scoping out the playground scene

As always, making a fashion statement

The BIG slide

Loving the Car Wash 

The kiddos are obsessed with going through the car wash. Charlie is awesome at helping to vacuum, too. This is a fun thing we do when we are desperate for some cheap thrills close to home  ;)  haha

 Scrub a dub

Someone LOVES the car wash

Hope all of our friends and fam are doing well and having a smooth adjustment back to school and Fall routines!  XO

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