Monday, February 24, 2020

Our Weekend in Pictures

   Despite being February, we actually had decent weather here this weekend and got to spend extra time outside. The sunshine felt glorious!

The kiddos both went to swimming on Saturday morning:

Pink shirt and green shirt = super swimmers

Charlie practicing floating on his back

After swimming, 'the boys' went to St. Joe's to watch some college lacrosse:

A 'high five' from one of the players was definitely a major highlight for Charlie

The mornings were still chilly so we also had fun playing inside with puzzles and reading books:

A future ballerina and her book about dance

Charlie loves this map puzzle that one of our besties gave us

During our usual grocery run, we found a King Cake! Of course we got it so we could celebrate Mardi Gras / Fat Tuesday this week:

Ahhh! Look what we found!

This definitely went into the cart ;)

Dad, Charlie, and Ellie hiked around Valley Forge:


A guy and his dog enjoying a hike

While they were out, Mommy and Maddie took a walk around the neighborhood then made dinner:

Maddie helping to make some eggplant rollatini 

'Twas a nice weekend spending quality time with the kiddos. They are growing so fast and we are just clinging fiercely to these moments. 

Hope y'all had a nice weekend, too! ♥ XO

1 comment:

  1. Always busy busy! Love how you divide and conquer. Just adore this wonderful Sweet Fam! ☀️😍
