Thursday, March 12, 2020

Weekly Meal Plan

It's been a weird week. There is definitely a sense of panic where we live surrounding the coronavirus. I don't know if it's like this everywhere, but our grocery stores are packed with shoppers and they seem to be racing to keep anything in stock. I think I've been to the grocery store four times since Saturday just trying to keep our fridge, freezer, pantry, and basement well-stocked. I've never done well with the 'fear of the unknown' and having little people depending on me adds a lot more pressure to my already-anxious self. Having an ample supply of OTC meds, non-perishables, the kids' "favorite" things (ex. Maddie's waffles) and a full pantry eases my anxiety so I am just going with it for now.

Anyways, here's what's cookin' around here this week:

Sunday: Tim grilled steak, chicken, and veggies outside on the grill and I made our favorite decadent au gratin potatoes as a side.

Monday: I made chicken in a white wine sauce (+ mushrooms, scallions) and served that with rice

Tuesday: Easy-peasy night with grilled cheese + soup

Wednesday: Chicken Ceasar wraps made with leftover grilled chicken + a side of fries

These wraps hit the spot!

Thursday: "Kevin and Amanda's Spicy Sausage Pasta" - This is a recipe we have done before and it's really good with a little kick to it. I use spicy chicken sausage for this and it always makes for plenty of yummy leftovers, too.

Friday: Homemade pizzas -OR- burgers on the grill depending on the weather / what people are in the mood for.

How are y'all doing?? What are you stocking up on? Am I just being a psycho buying allllll the things?? ;) ♥

1 comment:

  1. got this! Make it fun. Make this a happy memory. Remember the Christmas tree in the kitchen? You are never alone....your family is always here for you....🙋‍♀️. The hardest part is being home with 2 toddlers. Gamma and PawPaw (once he gets off the highway 🤣) are always waiting in the wings. ❤️
