Friday, April 19, 2019

Our Week in Pictures

This little sleepy mama starts off every single day by feeding all of her babies. It is her numero uno priority and it makes my heart burst to see what a sweet little nurturer she is:

Breakfast for babies and breakfast for Mama Maddie

'Momming' is exhausting! Hard working Little Mama

Speaking of feeding all of the babies, girlfriend knows her way around the fridge and frequently helps herself. Her snackies of choice are apples and bell peppers:

Reaching into the produce drawer.....


On Monday morning, we were out running errands and I *may* have used a stop at the playground as a bribe for having good behavior. It was overcast and windy, so Charlie and Maddie had the park to themselves and had a blast playing:

...And they're off!

Who is this big kid????

Pushing sissy on the swing


My turn! This is fun

Reppin' his favorite NBA team while he swings

Brave Maddie on the BIG slide

Since it's the week of Easter, we painted some ceramic Easter eggs. Mini Picassos if I do say so myself:

They were really concentrating

Skilled artists paying attention to detail

Making his egg look beautiful

A masterpiece in the making

Charlie could play lacrosse in the backyard all day if we let him. He even convinced sissy to be his ball-girl and collect the lacrosse balls for him:

Little lax player

Thanks for helping, Maddie! Pretty soon you'll be playing, too

Another current favorite activity is playing with their toy tool box and tools. Charlie and Maddie are experts at fixing everything around the house for us:

Cuties at work

Mr. and Ms. Fix-It

No day is complete without a dress-up sesh from Princess Maddie. She was channeling a fairy look and I think she nailed it:

"Mom, you seriously take too many pictures"

Very busy lady

A stylish purse for my Easter egg

It even matches my outfit (duh!)

Our little animal lover also played with her favorite toy barn and ponies:

Maddie the horse whisperer

...And this handsome little fella got a fresh 'cut for Spring. He always looks like such a big boy after a haircut:

New 'do who dis!?

Happy Easter weekend, y'all!!!


  1. Oh my goodness....what a busy week! The kids are growing up so fast. Charlie and Maddie are gorgeous!!!!! Keep up the good work, Mom!!! ❤️��
