6:00 / 6:30am: Kiddos wake up; we change Maddie's diaper and set them up with milk sippy cups and let them watch some Elmo (PBS Kids is our preferred form of "screen time"). They both wake up verrrry slowly and like to lay on the couch with their milk and a soft blankie for a bit. These are some of the best snuggles :)
8:00am: Breakfast for all- Maddie and Dad like a banana and Maddie also shares protein waffles + peanut butter with Mom. Charlie has a granola bar.
9:00am: Mom and Maddie take Ellie to the Vet for a checkup and her shots. Dad and Charlie go to Valley Forge National Park to ride Charlie's scooter and get a little lesson in history. They visited the huts where the soldiers lived during the Revolutionary War.... to which Charlie asked where the soldiers are now. An impromptu conversation about death ensues (yikes).
Maddie chose her own outfit - this is her "take your doggie to the vet" look
10:45am: We all meet back at the house. Mom gets Charlie ready for a birthday party (HBD, Elle!) and Dad takes over with the girls, Maddie and her puppy sister Ellie.
11:00am: Mom brings Charlie to the birthday party at a super fun pottery painting studio nearby called Busy Bees Pottery. Dad is at home making Maddie lunch and putting her down for her nap, which is usually around 11:30.
Charlie had the best time at Elle's painting party!
11:15am: Mom gets in a workout in at the gym, which happens to be right next to the birthday party - Major win!
12:15pm: Mom heads back to the birthday party for the last few minutes and to pickup Char Char. He had a BLAST! Miss Tina throws the best parties- she made the cutest ice cream cone cupcakes.
12:30pm: Everyone is back at home. Maddie is waking up from her nap and Dad gets ready to go work out - he opts for a bike ride on a nearby trail.
1:00pm: Dad goes for his bike ride and Mom takes Charlie and Maddie to WalMart - we needed new windshield wiper blades for both cars and more HVAC filters. Charlie also picks out some new big boy superhero underwear- Good ol' Wal-Mart has it all!
2:00pm: Back home again - Dad changes the windshield wipers and the kids play on the back porch with the water table while Mom gets our stuff ready to go to the pool (pool bag, cold drinks, a snack, bathing suits, swim diapers, goggles, the list goes on.....)
2:30pm: The whole fam goes to the pool- our absolute favorite summer activity. This local pool has an awesome area for kids that doesn't get too deep and even has a slide - Maddie is the queen of the water slide! Charlie loves bringing his goggles and is becoming confident in the water.
4:00pm: We leave the pool (the kids get changed out of swimsuits and into clothes prior to leaving the pool) and decide to go right to the Exton Fair. This ends up being a really fun fair- Charlie rides a horse, both kids love the petting zoo, and they check out a cool little helicopter. It was HOT but lots of fun. We even ran into Dad's friends from work- Charlie loves Mr. Phil!
Pony rides- this guy LOVES horses!
The petting zoo at the Exton Fair was super cute- both of our little animal lovers enjoyed it
Charlie got to sit in the helicopter - very cool!
5:30pm: Homeward bound! We go home and always start a load of laundry right when we walk in from the pool (towels, swimsuits, etc). We order takeout for dinner- veggie stromboli, a cheese pizza and a salad.
6:00pm: Dinner time! Everyone is super hungry after a busy day!!!
7:00pm: The Snee kiddos get a bath- Charlie likes to take a bath with jets and Maddie likes bubbles so it was a big bath with jets AND bubbles.
7:30pm: Maddie goes to bed right after the bath. She ALWAYS sleeps with the special baby doll that Nani Akita made her. Once she goes down, Charlie can play quietly. His 'big boy' bedtime is a little later. He can play with Magnatiles, cars, or watch a 'calm' show in Mommy and Daddy's bed (he likes Dino Dana on Amazon Prime)
Night night, sweet Madeline. She always has 'Baby' snuggled up right next to her
9:00pm: The house is cleaned up, closed up and everyone is in bed. We count our blessings- Mom says she misses her babies even though they are asleep in the next room (every night- haha)
It really is true when they say "The days are long but the years are short."
I truly wish we could freeze time sometimes. Having a two year old and a three year old is exhausting but also truly blissful. These are the days....
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