Thursday, July 11, 2019

Charlie's Night at the Fair

The Malvern Fire Company holds its' annual fair in town every July - it's a super cute, traditional, small-town fair with your typical rides, games, and fair fare (pun intended). The fair runs for five days every July from 6-10pm in the center of town. Charlie and I went to it last year together while Tim stayed at home with Maddie and kept her normal, early bedtime routine. We decided to do the same this year so it was a special 'big kid' activity for Charlie. We headed over right after dinner and Daddy and Maddie took Ellie for a walk at the same time we were departing so that she could do something fun and special, too.

The fair offered unlimited-ride wristbands, so we decided to go that route for Char so he could ride the rides to his heart's desire. And, boy, he did! He rode about eight different rides about fifty times in the 2.5 hours we were there. He had a blast! He even got his face painted (a blue, sparkly turtle!) and made some friends his age. It was so fun watching him experience such a memorable summer pastime and getting to see the joy of childhood in his smile. I think next year Maddie may be old enough to go, too. This is becoming such a special summer tradition for us!

First ride- the carousel!

 Our little horse lover rode this at least a dozen times

 Next up - the motorcycle ride!

Vroom Vroom

 The dragon coaster was another favorite...

 ...and definitely the fastest ride he did!

 This one was FUN!

Maddie and her puppy sister went for a nice long walk with Dad before bedtime - everyone got to do something special

 Charlie decided he wanted to do face painting this year

 He told the face painter he'd like the turtle to be BLUE, please (his favorite color)

 This ride was so fun - lots of giggles every time it dropped

 After the sun set, all of the carnival lights were really pretty

 One last carousel ride...

Char was getting tired, but as we were heading out we hit one last ride- the crazy train!

1 comment:

  1. What a fabulous time for Charlie (and Mommy)! Love those smiles ❤️
