Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Charlie is FOUR!

Our sweet Charles Worthington turns FOUR years old today! He has been so excited for this special day for quite a while. Our big kid has grown so much over the past few weeks even- he brings us so much joy and we thank God for him each and every day.

Happy 4th Birthday, sweet boy! Make a wish!

Some of the stuff he says lately is hilarious. A few snippets:

"Mrs. Berry at school is SO nice. She comes to get us and takes us to the post office."
                -What do you do at the post office?
"She reads us lots of books and lets us pick out some books, too."
(the school library...hehe)

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"Maddie, you're my special helper, OK?" (Then proceeds to boss her around like crazy)

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"For Halloween I'm going to be a pirate. Then I think for Christmas I want to be a ghost!" (A costume for every holiday apparently)

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We love our CWS more than words!!

Minutes old and SO alert - we were dying to meet him

Newborn pumpkin - I don't think we ever put him down other than the carseat to go somewhere

Strut your stuff, little man

CW is a huge fan of cupcakes- particularly the icing

Our first picture as a family with baby Charlie - 10/1/2015

Silly, sweet, fun....simply perfection

The BEST smile

Watching you grow is the greatest privilege of our lives

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