Thursday, October 10, 2019

Life Lately

Fall is in full swing around here! The leaves are changing, the air is getting cooler, and the Snee kids are obsessed with pumpkins and everything having to do with pumpkins and Halloween.

-The other night, Charlie made some delicious pumpkin carrot muffins using this recipe. He loves to bake and these turned out awesome- if you like a super easy-to-make muffin that isn't too too sweet, these are for you. I think next time we may shred some zucchini into them, too. Yum!

Talented baker- hard at work

Jack of all trades- putting the muffin liners in the pan

The finished product- soo yummy!

-This little pumpkin is still wanting to wear pretty dresses every day and bring her babies with her wherever she goes. We have had to put leggings under her dresses as temps get cooler, but our little fashionista is transitioning to fall fashion seamlessly and is not letting the change in weather affect her cuteness factor.

A classic fall look with baby in tow

She wears pumpkins well

Brother BFF always there to love on her

Fear not- the Elsa crocs are still actively in her footwear rotation (her fav)

-Speaking of the princess, girlfriend was completely up-and-at 'em the other night from about 2:30-4:30am. She was completely happy and just ready to play. We tried everything from laying down with her to rocking her to giving her some milk; She was just completely awake. Finally we let her rest in front of a movie (last resort) and she dozed back off to sleep. Then this was the scene at 7:30am when we were trying to get out the door for the day:

Partied too hard and completely OUT

-Last weekend we celebrated Charlie turning FOUR with a small firehouse party at the local fire station. It was super casual and fun and he loved getting to climb into the truck!

A fire hydrant cupcake cake to celebrate the birthday boy

Firefighter Charlie at the wheel!

-Since its not too hot / not too cold, Daddy and Charlie have been enjoying taking Ellie on evening walks a lot lately. They are also scoping out their "route" for trick-or-treating in a few weeks!

Heading out on their evening walk- lucky Pup is loving this routine

Hope all of our friends and fam have some Fall Fun planned! We are hoping to make it to the pumpkin patch sometime within the next couple of weeks and you know we will be sure to take plenty of pics ;)

Happy Fall, Y'all!

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