Tuesday, March 24, 2020

From the Homefront...

   Greetings from the SneeFam homefront. We are on our second full week of quarantine and while I'd say we're doing a pretty good job of embracing our new normal overall, yesterday was probably the toughest day we've had yet. Maybe it was the weather; it was rainy and cold so we couldn't do our usual walk around the neighborhood. It was also a Monday and we both had work to juggle from home so that adds a little bit more to the equation. Either way, we got through it, ended with a nice family dinner, and woke up well-rested and full of hope for a better day today.

   It helped a bit to shift gears and focus on gratitude. I keep coming back to how grateful I am for our sweet little home. When we purchased this house almost 6 years ago, Tim was in grad school and we were newlyweds with no kids yet. I don't think in our wildest dreams we could have pictured being quarantined in this home with two kids and a dog, but here we are. It's such a safe place and such a happy place for our fam and I have never been so grateful for these four walls as I am right now. The backyard has been Charlie's lacrosse field and the kitchen has been my sanctuary where I can go bake some stress off. We even set up our treadmill last night in the laundry room because a little workout does wonders for the soul right now (Tim and I are really missing our local gym that we each normally escape to a couple nights a week...)

   From talking to friends and fam, it seems like everyone is dealing with this whole situation in waves. Sometimes it kind of comes out of nowhere and hits. Some days are easier than others. Some days the gravity of it all just feels so heavy. Each day is a new opportunity to seek out joy and gratitude in the midst of all of this upheaval.

   Some ways we have sparked joy over the past couple of days include, of course, baking...

Banana muffins hit the spot

...and painting...

Charlie did a great job painting Simba...

...and so did sweet sister 

...and planting some fruits and veggies...

Dad is in charge of this project; these will go in the ground in a few weeks

...and setting up a little gym in the laundry room...

A little treadmill sesh does wonders for mama's sanity right now...

   I also had fun shopping (online) for Easter basket stuff for the kiddos. Since the quarantine will likely last through Easter, I wanted to order a few little treats for their baskets and leave plenty of time for possible shipping delays. Stay tuned for how those come together! This was a nice, happy focal point on a stressful day :)

   What are you guys doing that brings you joy during this time? It isn't always easy to see it, but there is always SO much to be grateful for. Sending you all love and so many good vibes right now ♥


  1. I didn't think i would miss our "cubby" chats as much as i do now. The norm is quite an adjustment but having eachother helps. Love your pics and those muffins look amazing <3

  2. Sending love and good vibes to all of you! You and Tim are doing an amazing job....you make it all look easy. Having work obligations...that’s a lot! Love all the photos. 📸🧇🧁😷❤️🔆
