Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter 2020

Happy (Quarantined) Easter 2020
   I don't think when the year 2020 began any of us pictured spending the Easter holiday in quarantine...I honestly couldn't have envisioned this in a million years! When I was looking forward to and planning for Easter this year, I was picturing the kiddos doing the annual town Easter Egg hunt, a visit to the local bunny, precious matching outfits, and lots of fun spring activities. As is the case for all of us, life changed overnight.

   I didn't realize when I dropped Charlie off at school on March 12th that it would be the last day my kiddos got dropped off for their routine in any semblance of normalcy. Life since then has been completely different than our 'norm' of work, school, errands, and playdates. In turn, we've adjusted the sails to honor our 'new normal' and create a positive, joyful home for our kiddos. It's important that they see perseverance, flexibility, and stability from their grown-ups during these uncertain times. We wanted Easter to be a fun day for them full of the traditions they love.

   The day before Easter (Saturday), someone in town set up the "Easter Bunny" for drive-by visits right in the center of town. It was such a sweet gesture and the kids loved getting to "visit" the bunny while still practicing safe social distancing. We drove by (twice) so they could wave and say "hi"; they both loved this!

The fact that we could still "visit" the Easter Bunny is so special

Pure JOY getting to see the Easter Bunny in person

   Even during quarantine, the Easter Bunny still visits and brings treats. We ordered Easter basket goodies well in advance so that each kiddo would have some happies meant specifically for them. Maddie's basket included Rapunzel Barbie, a rainbow dress, some fresh sidewalk chalk, new 'big girl' underwear, and a Frozen art set. Charlie's basket held a new Phillies' jersey, a Hot Wheels carrying case and cars, sidewalk chalk, a Jurassic World art set, and new Spider-Man underwear (the E.B. does have a practical side....). Both kiddos loved going through the baskets discovering all of the treats the bunny left for them. They spent the morning playing with their toys and we made a big Easter brunch. It was a nice, relaxing Easter morning.

Maddie's basket

Charlie's basket

   After nap-time, the kids got to hunt for eggs. The bunny went overboard and hid 82 plastic eggs filled with little treats (mostly their favorite candy) which ended up being kind of perfect because at the height of the afternoon sunshine they spent a good hour collecting eggs, then another hour sorting and opening all of them. They loved doing this so much that the next morning they both asked if there was another hunt that day (sorry babies...nope). The fresh air and sunshine felt amazing and watching them have fun finding the eggs was definitely a highlight of the day.

Let's go hunt ♪🎵♩♪🎵♩

A blue one! His favorite color ☺

Expert egg-hunter

Her first egg hunt!

She learned the ropes real fast

This is fun!!!

Going off in two different directions...

...but always finding their way back to one another

A little sorting and a lot of snacking

Sorting all of her eggs ever so delicately

   While the day-to-day may look a little different right now, and certainly some days are easier than others, I'd say we have embraced our new normal and have found a new routine. We feel grateful we have the luxury of being safe at home being able to watch our kiddos grow during these uncertain times, fully aware that not everyone is able to do that. Whatever your circumstances may be, I pray you feel peace, comfort, and even some moments of joy right now.

Sending so much love to you all ♥

1 comment:

  1. PawPaw and Gamma are so proud of how you have pivoted and kept a safe, happy home for Charlie and Maddie. We will always be here for you and Tim. You are doing a great job.....one step at a time! 😷❤️🔆
