Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Life Lately

   Even though life lately kind of feels like groundhog day and there's nothing super new and exciting to report, I did want to document what life has been like during these unusual times. Sometimes I still wake up and think "is this really happening?" but overall life in quarantine has been overwhelmingly positive and I really think we will remember it as such.

We saw this on our walk one morning and it's an excellent reminder; Staying positive is so important

   It has been soo nice not having to rush everyone out the door in the morning every day; we really are appreciating the slower pace of life and the extra time together as a family. The break from the daily grind has been such a nice reset. Tim still spends his weekdays working from his basement "office" but I have had so much extra time with the kiddos during the day that has really been special.

Sissy snuggled up with her favorite book; it is such a blessing having this extra down time

   If you didn't already know this about us, we walk A LOT. We take multiple walks a day and I now truly have a thorough appreciation for how walkable our neighborhood is. Sometimes Charlie takes a scooter or bike, sometimes both kiddos ride in the stroller, and sometimes they ride in the wagon. We walk as much as we possibly can and I can honestly say it's a critical component of my sanity now more than ever.

Big kid on his bike! He really does so well riding his bike now

...And the scooter! He really moves on this

They love taking the wagon together

And Mama enjoys getting out in the sunshine!

Little besties being silly

   We also bake a lot! We used up some extra Easter candy in our cookie-baking recently. Both kiddos love to bake so this is a go-to activity for us, especially on rainy days when we can't get out and walk as much.

These were delish! (Also: I dont know how I ever baked without parchment paper)

My little helpers in the kitchen

   Tim celebrated a birthday last week and the kiddos enjoyed it as much (maybe even more?) than he did! Charlie baked cupcakes and both kids helped him open gifts. We got curbside takeout for dinner and it was a really nice day.

Happy Birthday, Tim!

This little peanut thought it was *her* special day

Homemade cupcakes for our birthday boy!

   There was a neat flyover close to the city last week, too, and the boys went to see the Thunderbirds. Charlie was enamored with the fighter jets and is still talking about how awesome it was. Dad was careful to practice safe social distancing with our precious boy and both wore their masks. (Thanks, Nani Akita! Best masks EVER!)

A view of the flyover from the art museum

Sweet boy in his awesome Batman mask

   Char has also been doing Zoom with his preschool class three times a week. He really looks forward to this and his awesome teachers do an incredible job making their virtual class-time special. Sis even joins in (ahem, butts in) occasionally to see all of the "big kids."

Zoom preschool is fun!

Sis loves to check out what they are doing, too

   We are spending as much time as possible outside in our yard every day. Tim started a garden full of fruits and veggies for this summer and the kiddos have been having fun playing out in the fresh air. The outdoor play really helps and they sleep so much better after a good day outside. I found this cute little playset on super sale in the middle of the winter and we just put it together. I am thanking my lucky stars for this little thing right now. They love it!

Swinging and bouncing!

This has been endless fun (and a huge help for parents' sanity)

   Speaking of outdoor fun, last week the kiddos were able to chase around our neighbors' chickens for a bit. Our little animal lovers had a blast playing with their chicken friends.

Charlie and the chickens

They really are SO cute

Maddie liked the baby ones

   Being home 24/7 has also made us more aware of all of the little things we want to get done around the house, so us grownups have been doing lots of house projects, both inside and outside. I have been obsessively planning the addition of another bathroom, so stay tuned for that project.

Home sweet home (with a sweet little pup at the front door)

I hope you ALL are doing well and finding peace during this crazy time. Sending you love wherever you are ♥


  1. Life Lately looks awesome! It’s good to see you have great company to go for walks and bake 350 with. HBD to Tim! 🔆

  2. You look so less stressed. Enjoy every minute with Charlie And Maddie , They get big fast .
